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Kurt Nahar

‘As an artist it is not my intention to simply create a pretty picture, because I have a greater purpose in mind. Through my art and poems I hope to contribute to raising the consciousness of the general public and to encourage discussions regarding those rather forgotten but so important subjects. ‘

With my art I express my thoughts and emotions on several subjects related to the social and political circumstances in Suriname and other places around the world. Initially, many of my artworks and especially my installations cause a shock effect under the general public, but that is exactly my intention. I want to confront the public with those subjects which they are so often inclined to ignore or just close their eyes to. By doing so I hope to force people in Suriname to think about these controversial subjects and hope to break the tradition of silent acceptance in our country.

The revolution of 1980, the December murders of 1982 and the effect those historical events have had, and still have, on our society today, are a recurring theme in my work. But also current social and political issues, in Suriname as well as abroad, are subjects I touch upon regularly.

My technique is often influenced by the inspiration I receive from the methods of my predecessors out of the era of Dadaism. The use of collage techniques and simple objects is currently characteristic for my art. I also often write poetry which in some cases relates to a specific work of art.

As an artist it is not my intention to simply create a pretty picture, because I have a greater purpose in mind. Through my art and poems I hope to contribute to raising the consciousness of the general public and to encourage discussions regarding those rather forgotten but so important subjects.

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